“I got unexpectedly pregnant with an IUD. I had a 16 month old baby already. My partner was abusive and not providing at all. I had severe nausea with vomiting the whole day and night so I wasn’t able to work. I don’t have family in America or close friends who were able to help me. And at one point my phone was shut off, I had 3 diapers left, no food, and no clothes. At first I was scared and didn’t trust. I didn’t know what help I could get, didn’t expect anything…

But SHIFRA took care of most of my problems. Words can’t describe the amount of love and help that I got. Diapers, crib, even a grant to start my own business.

You saved me and my boys. You changed my life… because of you one more boy was born. I’ll raise them as good Jewish boys who will give and help other people. I’ll tell them when they grow up how once SHIFRA and her donors helped us, so they can have a big heart like you too.”