Need a Bat or Bar Mitzvah Project?

Sponsor a SHIFRA Mom!

SHIFRA is named for the midwife in the story of the Exodus who protected the Israelite mothers from Pharaoh. Our organization SHIFRA provides free counseling and financial aid to vulnerable Jewish mothers who need support through an unexpected pregnancy and after birth. Usually, because they were not trying to become pregnant, they are not prepared with all the support and things they need for their baby. 

Moms give their kids everything- but sometimes moms also need help!  
We would love to partner with you on your Bar or Bat Mitzvah project or your Tikun Olam, Chesed or social action project. 
Ideas for Projects
baby essentials

Care Packages

SHIFRA provides our moms with care packages with gift cards. As a project, you could purchase the supplies and help prepare them. Each care package costs $100-$150 to prepare, including a $75 gift card. To protect the privacy of our moms, you would send them to Maryland, and from Maryland, we would send them to the moms who need them across the US. 

mother kissing child

Sponsor A Mom

We generally provide our clients with $1800 towards financial and material aid. This aid can help in a variety of ways such as babysitting, diapers for a year, or a smart crib- depending on the needs of the mom.

mother working on laptop holding baby

Sponsor Classes

We offer our SHIFRA moms classes to help them be the best moms they can be. Every class costs us $85 to create. Sponsor as many classes as you would like! 
Doing a SHIFRA Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah project is easy! Sign up, and one of our team members can meet with you to get started.Â