Jewish Perspectives on Abortion: Rabbi Meir Soloveichik and SHIFRA Founder to Speak at Palm Beach Synagogue

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On December 19, 2024, the Palm Beach Synagogue will host a groundbreaking event on abortion within the Jewish community. The program will feature Rabbi Meir Soloveichik of Congregation Shearith Israel and Erica Pelman, founder of SHIFRA.

“In most conversations about abortion, Jews are debating American law or Jewish law. These are issues on which good people disagree. However, this event will explore something different,” noted Rabbi Scheiner of Palm Beach Synagogue.

Rabbi Soloveichik’s talk is entitled A Conversation About Abortion, The Love of Life, and Our Current Moment.  He will provide a unique historical perspective on abortion and its implications for the Jewish community.

Ms. Pelman will share insights from SHIFRA’s work helping hundreds of Jewish women embrace motherhood instead of terminating their pregnancies.  SHIFRA is the only American-based Jewish social service agency dedicated to saving Jewish lives by helping women through unplanned pregnancy crises. Pelman was recently featured on Tablet Magazine’s Rootless podcast, discussing “How to Change How We Think about Abortion.”

“There is nothing more important than saving Jewish lives by keeping Jewish women and families from feeling forced into abortion,” commented Roger Hertog, who is sponsoring this event alongside his wife Susan.

Based on applying CDC data applied to the American-Jewish population, approximately 10% of healthy Jewish pregnancies in the United States are terminated for financial, social and relationship reasons. Approximately 15,000-2,000 Jewish women have unplanned pregnancies annually, resulting in between 6,000 and 9,000 abortions per year.

Attendance to the Palm Beach Synagogue event is open to the public but registration is required. Please visit to register.